Grace Period

A grace period is the number of days after the due date when the checkout is not considered overdue and no fine is being calculated.

If a checkout remains out past the grace period, a fine is calculated from the original due date. No fine is charged for days that the library is closed.

Note: Setting the grace period to 0 (zero) causes checkouts to become overdue the day after the due date, and fines start accruing immediately.
How Destiny calculates a fine

If the Loan Period is set to:

  • Fixed or Days: The way it is applied depends on the setting in the Calculate library loan periods based on field at Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab:
    • If the option is set to Open, only days marked open on the Calendar are used to calculate the grace period; closed days are not included.
    • If the option is set to Calendar, all days are used to calculate the grace period.
  • Hour: Choose one of these grace periods:
    • None: Fines begin accruing immediately after the loan period.
    • Same day: Fines begin accruing the next day following the loan period.